Symposium Architecture & Environment 3rd edition 16-17 september

Dove e quando

2019-09-16 | Dipartimento Architettura e Design

University of Genoa – Architecture and Design Department Monday 16 & Tuesday 17 September 2019
Chair: Prof. Michael Hensel, Dr. Katia Perini 

Keynote speakers
Prof. Yasha Grobman, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Israel Institute of Technology, Technion
Prof. Wolfgang Weisser, School of Life Science, Technical University of Munich

Invited speakers
Dr. Mohammad Asrafur, TUM
Dr. Maria Canepa, UNIGE
Research Fellow, Ata Chokhachian, TUM
Prof. Thomas Hauck, UNI Kassel
Prof. Ferdinand Ludwig, TUM
Prof. Ingrid Paoletti, POLIMI
Dr. Chiara Piccardo, Aalto University
Dr. Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel, TUM, TU Wien
Dr. Claudia Turcato, UNIGE

Symposium organizing committee
Prof. Michael Hensel
Dr. Katia Perini
Dr. Maria Canepa
Prof. Andrea Giachetta
Prof. Adriano Magliocco
Dr. Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel

Scientific committee
Prof. Ingrid Paoletti
Prof. Andrea Giachetta
Prof. Yasha Grobman
Prof. Michael Hensel
Dr. Katia Perini
Dr. Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel

The Symposium is supported by the University of Genoa and organized by the University of Genoa in collaboration with Vienna University of Technology


Ultimo aggiornamento 11 Settembre 2019